Coconut Milk Yogurt - Recipe One
A creamy, delicious vegan probiotic coconut milk yogurt, which is great for breakfast, dessert or as a nutritious in-between meal snack
What You Need
  • 2 Cups / 180 g Raw Coconut Shreds/Flakes
  • 5 Cups / 1200 ml Boiled Water from the Kettle, cooled for 10 minutes before adding
  • 2 T Sugar
  • 1 package Vegan Yogurt Starter - Alt. use 2 T ready-made cultured yogurt of choice
  • 2 t Pamona's Universal Pectin + 2 t Calcium Water OR
  • 2 t powdered fruit pectin - and increase Sugar to 3 T
  • ¼ t Xantham Gum
  • A cooking thermometer (recommended)
How You Make It
  1. First Make the Coconut Milk:
  2. Soak the coconut shreds/flakes with 5 cups / 1200ml hot water from the kettle for 20 minutes
  3. Blend for 60 minutes using a high-speed blender (or 90 seconds in a regular blender)
  4. Strain liquid through a nut milk bag, muslin, cheesecloth or very fine sieve, pushing on the pulp until all liquid is released - caution, contents may be hot - allow to cool until safe enough to handle.
  5. To make the Yogurt:
  6. Pour 1 Cup /240 ml of the coconut milk into a blender with the pectin and xanthan gum. Blend 30 seconds, keep to one side.
  7. Pour the rest of the coconut milk into a saucepan with the sugar and calcium water.
  8. Heat on medium heat, stirring until the sugar has dissolved.
  9. Turn the heat up to medium high and wait until the thermometer reads 140F (60C) - or until small bubbles appear at the edge of the milk. Stir from time to time to ensure it doesn't catch on the bottom of the pan.
  10. Take off the heat and whisk in the reserved 1 cup coconut milk, xantham gum mixture.
  11. Return to the heat until it again reaches 140F (60C) or bubbles appear at the edge of the pan.
  12. Take of the heat, stir once more and leave until temperature reaches 110F (approx 40C) or until you can insert your index finger in the milk and it feels comfortably warm.
  13. Remove about 5T of the milk and add the yogurt starter. Mix until dissolved and pour into the rest of the milk, stirring to distribute evenly.
  14. Pour the yogurt into the yogurt maker and culture for 8 hours. Cover the yogurt and refrigerate for 8 hours or over night. OR:
  15. Pour into a container, cover, wrap in a tea towel and put into the oven with just the oven light on. Culture for 10 hours. If you have a 'proving' setting on your oven, you may use that, and culture for 8 hours.
  16. Cover the container and place in the fridge for 8 hours or over night.
  17. The yogurt will set up more as it cools.
Nutritional breakdown is approximate and for general information only, and will vary depending on specific brands and measurements used.
Recipe by Veggiemental at